A look at the pure inside jokes of San Antonio's culture

2022-10-03 11:10:26 By : Ms. Sophia Feng

One of BCSO's mounted patrol horses was the target of San Antonio's "Edgar" jokes after a haircut flub. 

Live in San Antonio long enough and you’ll come to know a number of running inside jokes that natives and tenured transplants can’t help but laugh at, whether it be an infamous haircut or a crack at a certain small business. No matter how you feel about them, here are some of the city’s favorite things to poke fun at with their San Antonio laugh.

The notorious haircut known as the “Edgar” has gained a certain reputation here in San Antonio, most often being associated with folks in the Marbach area. It actually has its roots in indigenous culture, which isn’t so far off from San Antonio’s Tex-Mex history, but that hasn’t stopped us from taking shots at dudes with the head-turning ‘do. And with social media, we’ve only gotten that much more creative with our jokes that don’t get old.

Locals have a lot to say about driving in and around San Antonio.

While the meme reads “rain protection” for Loop 1604, hyping why San Antonio doesn’t receive much rain, locals have their fair share of thoughts on the highway going around the city. From infuriating traffic (and drivers, but more on that in a bit) and smashed highway barriers to ridiculous construction timelines, everything within Loop 1604 encompasses a good chunk of the growing city.

San Antonio, this is how you use your turn signal.

Locals love coming together to hate on how we, as locals, are the worst drivers. Do we get a sense of community in doing so or are we just hating on each other? We may never know. Whatever the case, San Antonio residents sure do enjoy pointing out the terrible driving habits of the city’s worst drivers. A good chunk of the city doesn’t know what a turn signal is or how to yield, and the rest of San Antonio hates them for it.

Why buy a bigger truck when you can just make one yourself?

How does a local describe what “puro” means to San Antonio? For locals, you know it when you hear or see it. It’s an overloaded truck bed that definitely doesn’t have a single thing tied down. It’s a crass or grimey bumper sticker that reminds us of our tio or primos. It’s someone being the life of the party yelling “orale” and “Puro Pinche Spurs” with a beer in their hand. Transplants may not get it, but locals have fun loving on the puro personality of San Antonio.

The Alamo is known for its history, but also because of Pee-wee's Big Adventure.

Lifelong residents, cinema buffs, and history fanatics alike know the gag about there not being a basement inside the one-time battlegrounds at the Alamo. Pee-wee's Big Adventure, starring Paul Reubens, features the title character’s trek to the Alamo, where he expects to find his bike in the structure’s basement. The 1985 film brought recognition to San Antonio, now recognized in the form of memes and social media jokes decades later. While tourists may be tickled and make their Pee-wee references when touring the Alamo, we’ll appreciate the random tie to the Tim Burton film.

Former NBA player and commentator Charles Barkley loves hating on San Antonio women.

Let me be upfront, I’m one of the big ol’ women that former NBA star, but non-champion, Charles Barkley is constantly running his mouth about. He uses the same joke, which was actually funny the first time we heard it, every time he mentions the city. At this point I’m more amused by how tickled one-time San Antonian Shaquille O’Neal got every time Barkley went on his rant (which he can’t do anymore). Are we laughing with Barkley or at him? I’m not sure, but I’ll raise my Mama Margie’s taco to him for the shady shoutout.

Breakfast tacos – and delicious ones at that – are part of San Antonio's culture.

The Alamo City proudly claims its dominance in the breakfast taco game, which is why we find it laughable that Austin tries to know a thing or two about the Tex-Mex staple. While we know we reign supreme, many of us still take advantage of an opportunity to talk smack. Sorry Austin, deal with it.

Fred's Fish Fry, how do you stay open?

What is the San Antonio experience without Fred’s Fish Fry? Anyone who grew up here knows that we’re not necessarily talking about eating at the local chain, but more about its reputation. You see them in your neighborhoods, there are barely any cars in the parking lot or drive-thru, yet more than 15 locations exist today. If you don’t fully know the story here, lifelong locals will tell you there’s something fishy about Fred’s.

Sarah Martinez is a culture reporter for MySA. She is a San Antonio native and an alumna of Syracuse University. | @smartinezwrites