DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: A Mild-Mannered Superhero Comedy - Film Inquiry

2022-09-04 16:37:56 By : Ms. coco dong

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A former video store clerk, Mark has been writing about…

An animated movie about the pets of the DC universe seems like an obvious choice to make. With kids being all about the superheroes at the cinema, why not make another DC Comics film aimed squarely at the wee wons? DC League of Super-Pets delivers pretty much what you expect from the same animation studio and staff behind LEGO Batman.

It’s a cute and adept take on DC Comics characters with a kid-friendly sense of adventure. It’s not nearly as winking as LEGO Batman but that’s fine. Sometimes it’s nice to have an animated comedy for kids that doesn’t rely on gags that will most likely go over the heads of the kids just discovering that Superman has a dog.

The film centers around Superman’s dog, Krypto (Dwayne Johnson). In case you’re wondering about the origins, Krypto traveled with Superman to Earth when he was a mere baby. Krypto grows up right along with Superman, becoming the Man of Steel’s best pal in Metropolis. Kryptonian dogs apparently live much longer than Earth dogs. That’s gotta make friendships with other dogs awkward.

This is an issue because Krypto is far too attached to Superman. The alien dog is highly protective of his master. So you can imagine how poorly he takes the news that Superman is considering marriage with Lois Lane. With a woman in the apartment, Superman might not be as buddy-buddy with Krypto, the dog fears.

Krypto finds himself on his own when tackling the latest threat to humanity. Lex Luthor’s kryptonite experimentations have led to the creation of Lulu (Kate McKinnon), a hairless guinea pig. This nasty pet manages to get a hold of orange kryptonite and psychic powers.

Lulu is just as cunning as Luthor, being well aware of Superman’s weakness to green kryptonite. She uses this knowledge to not only weaken and kidnap Superman but rob Krypto of his powers. No longer able to use the same powers as his master, Krypto needs to find a new way to fight. He needs a team.

Thankfully, Krypto isn’t the only superpowered pet in Metropolis. Surrendered pets have also come into contact with the orange kryptonite. Ace (Kevin Hart) leads them as the Boxer who can handle any damage. His power is to take damage and shield others from harm. It’s reflective of his ability to inspire hope where there’s little with his friends.

The other pets have similar issues and matching powers. PB (Vanessa Bayer) is a pig with size-changing powers she can’t control because she doesn’t have a sense of self-esteem. Merton McSnurtle (Natasha Lyonne) is a sassy turtle with speed powers and poor perceptions. Chip (Diego Luna) is an uneasy squirrel with lighting powers too unstable in uncertain hands.

Of course, Krypto will learn to lead them while learning more about himself. This leads to some solid chemistry between the quirky animals. It helps that all the animals are as adorable for their insecurities as their desires to be loved.

There’s a certain sweetness that slowly envelopes the picture. The first act is mostly a series of cute jokes and simple setups. It’s a decent staging but it left me curious about what path this type of film could take for its second half. How easy it would be for this type of picture to become a mindless mash of low-brow pet jokes.

Surprisingly, this film takes a rather emotional route. There’s some build-up to this with how Krypto establishes early that he’ll have to make a noble sacrifice. However, it’s the comradery and touching nature that makes this obligatory moment of nobility leave a bigger impact.

I think what I loved most about this film is seeing the genuine love between Superman and Krypto. It never feels like a relationship that is overblown. The film has fun with the concept but never reduces it to a simplistic master-pet dynamic. It’s also just fun to have a Superman that is more wholesome than previous adaptations, as in the dark-as-night Batman v. Superman.

The animation has me at a bit of a crossroads. The pets themselves all have great designs. The many animals are uniquely distinct enough that they’re always pleasing to the eye. You can buy them as both pets and creatures that can fight crime.

That being said, the design of the Justice League leaves a lot to be desired. Superman looks okay but it seems clear that the designs of Cyborg and Aquaman don’t mesh as well. I blame this mostly on the aesthetics of keeping humans with big heads and stick-thin bodies with comically large torsos.

This may be my least favorite design of Cyborg ever considering he looks more like a mangled mess of robotic parts and an afro than, well, a cyborg. The design style is so bizarre that the most pleasing superhero design is Jessica “Green Lantern” Cruz for appearing more full-figured and without a generic body type.

Considering that this is a film that makes a jab at Paw Patrol, I’m pretty confident in saying this is a film better built for making kids laugh more than the adults. The humor is never referential enough that newbies to DC Comics will feel left out of the joke.

While I was hoping for more of that, this may just be my adult DC Comics fan in me begging for some appeasement. Considering how much of that the older fans get with stuff like Teen Titans Go and LEGO Batman, it’s more than fine to have a DC Comics animated film targeted more at the young audience who deserves a great introduction.

That being said, the film still has some fun with the action and adventure that even the most jaded of parents will find amusing. There are some witty gags thrown into the mix and some fun tinkering with the mechanics of characters like Batman and Mercy Graves. I couldn’t help but laugh at the passive gag about Krypto having a Batman chew toy.

As a bit of a side note, I was kinda impressed to finally see Chip in a DC Comics movie. I never thought I’d see the Green Lantern squirrel ever grace the big screen. Note for parents, though, you may not want to look up the comic book history of Chip considering his tragic fall.

Super-Pets flies high for an animated film aimed at the smaller crowd, making a strong superhero picture for the whole family. It’s sweet enough to find a touching core to its tale of friendship and heroism. It’s also playful enough to have an elongated joke about dog pee and poop that never feels like too much.

This is the type of film that I just know I’m going to love more over time. My initial reaction was a mild bit of surprise for how much I dug the film more than I thought I would. But the more I lament the picture’s charms, it just makes me smile all the more. As someone who loves Superman, it’s refreshing to have a new film that portrays the Man of Steel as more of a heart-of-gold alien than a super-powered punching machine.

Kids deserve an animated film that has a genuine message about friendship and teamwork. Who better to be a vessel for such lessons than the pets of superheroes? They’ll certainly listen to these colorful characters, even if the humans of this universe can’t understand their barks and squeaks.

Did you see DC League of Super-Pets in the theater? Who was your favorite character? How does it stack up next to LEGO Batman? Let us know in the comments below.

DC League of Super-Pets was released in theaters on July 29, 2022!

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A former video store clerk, Mark has been writing about film for years and hasn't stopped yet. He studied film and animation in college, where he once set a summer goal to watch every film in the Criterion Collection. Mark has written for numerous online publications and self-published books "Pixels to Premieres: A History of Video Game Movies" and "The Best, Worst, Weird Movies of the 1990s."

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