Disneyland Fans Once Again Call For Live Streaming Ban - Inside the Magic

2022-09-04 16:31:45 By : Ms. sunny wang

It’s pretty telling that probably the only vlogger/streamer worth it is a British guy who visits Disney Parks once a year.

Influencers, vloggers etc waste of valuable oxygen

YouTube is full of all these idiots! Channels like best life and beyond and many others on YouTube completely annoying. When a grown man in his late 40s and 50s are still into Disneyland like a 5 year old something is really wrong.

Says the punk… Go worship your softball and let people enjoy things

But somehow, I bet you worship Adam the Woo’s feet. You’re so obvious when you immediately know the names of vloggers you stumble over yourself to comment about. Hate “vloggers”, but somehow know about them huh?? Not suspect at all

And yet, I bet you worship Adam the Woo’s feet. You’re so obvious when you run on here to talk trash specifically about them. You detest “vloggers”, but somehow know who THEY are huh?? Not suspect at all.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Disney is for all ages. Don’t be such a stick in the mud. You’re being ridiculous.

Lol, Disney is for everyone, regardless of age, not just for little kids. Without adults there wouldn’t be a park. Your life sounds miserable. I am so sorry for you.

Please van live streaming and the use if mobile phones on rides, it spoilt my granddaughter’s first visit and ride this year, people with bright screens and talking throughout, it’s a goddam nuisance and should not be allowed.

They ARE prohibited. Usually announcements before the ride starts. But people don’t care. Heck, it’s the same at the movies. No one has any consideration for anyone but themselves any more

What you do is accidentally knock their phones out of their hands when you throw up your arms and yell “WEEE!” It’s not your fault that his live streaming got in the way of your fun.

This is such a funny idea. Can you really get in trouble if you do it? They weren’t supposed to have it out in the first place lol

Ngl I am so tempted to do this next time I deal with a streamer.

Absolutely yes! These vultures that live stream are profiting from peeping Tom videos. They should be sued by every single person who appears in the screen without consent.

Hey Walter What would you sue them for? If you are in a public place like a theme park you have no expectation of privacy. They have every legal right to video you and your offspring enjoying or not enjoying their day in the park.

YouTube platform is to blame for the out of hand intrusion of privacy. These peeping top vultures who live stream in first person camera view are paid money from YouTube. The streamers are Not creating any content, no actors or editors or creativity, just creepy scavengers trying to steal from innocent and non-consenting people and children. YouTube is to blame for allowing and employing these leeches to stream on the platform. The streamers are thieves paid by YouTube and random cash donation apps. They should be sued by every single person who appears in the screen and every intellectual property they try to profit from.

Joxua Your misunderstanding of the law is clear. When you visit a public place like Walt Disney World you have no expectation of privacy. If you do not want to be videoed in public, your only recourse is to stay home in your bedroom or bathroom.

Don’t criticize others when you yourself don’t know what you’re talking about. Disney parks are not a public space.

Actually they are. While they are privately owned, they are a public place so there is no expectation of privacy. However, using the video of others for profit is a grey area.

Curious question with that, can you enter the park without paying?

Genuinely don’t know as I’ve never been but if you have to pay to get in then by definition I’d think it isn’t classed as “public space” if admission is controlled in such a way.

Vlogging hasn’t bothered me, but I was on the Star Tours ride last night, and the dingbat woman in front of me had her phone out recording and taking pics. It’s just inconsiderate and selfish. Universal Studios makes people put all of their stuff in lockers for each ride. Disney should start doing the same.

They need to stfu when on rides .. no flash .. keep camera at eye level only .. no huge cameras blocking other guests

AP holders are pretty annoying too. Yeah we get it you’ve been here 1,000 times. AP’s ruin the experience for people who have never been there before. Disney company doesn’t care about live streamers it’s free promotion.

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act makes it illegal for these streaming sites and apps to host these videos. It’s illegal for them to retain the material displaying kids under the age of 13 without a parent or guardians consent.

I think they should have to have PERMITS to vlog; Have background Checks; Pay a FEE; AND be limited to a certain amount of videos per month. {YOU’RE WELCOME.} lol.

Was at Disneyland Wednesday. So many selfie sticks and bloggers. It’s crazy. I thought the selfie sticks were outlawed. But these bloggers are out of control. Light on during electric parade. Etc. ruins my IN PERSON EXPERIENCE

Worst one I saw was during a RunDisney 5km. A woman was filming or live streaming her run, phone up in the air, her staring up at it rather than looking where she was going (it wasn’t even the route/scenery, it was her filming herself running) and she ran straight across the path of a double amputee on blades, who then had to turn quickly to avoid colliding with her, he then slid across the path and fell over. She barely stopped, even after he shouted at her, half waved and sang out a “sorry” then continued to film her run. Didn’t stop to check her was ok or help him back up. Felt pretty disgusted by that that level of self-absorption.

They need to stfu when on rides .. no flash .. keep camera at eye level only .. no huge cameras blocking other guests

Fkn bith should have been knocked out

That’d drive me insane, they should have all personal items left in a locker before riding. No one cares Cindy your on the ride 🤦

Las time we were at Disneyland.. Haunted Mansion, as soon as we get to the stretching room, a hundred phones come out. Same with Pirates. As soon as the boat launched, 5 or 6 phones comes out, and I could see the same number of bright screens from the boat ahead of us. Not so much on rides like Space Mountain, there was someone ahead of us who was trying to record the ride with his phone and was muttering so e gibberish, but I would have laughed my ass off if he lost his phone during the ride. Things only get worse when one of these idiots decide they want to be an “,internet prankster” and start deliberately instigating things in order to get eyeballs and inflate their own egos.

It’s pure narcissism and “I’m the main character” mentality that channels like YouTube and TikTok have commoditized behavior like this.

Don’t do it. If you ruin my time there I will say or do something. I pay good money to not have to have it ruined by some idiot doing a vlog.

Our black mirror culture is out of control. I am not going to lie as I have enjoyed a few live streams (Best Life) but I think if I was in the park witnessing them vlog I would be pretty annoyed. It is pretty obnoxious and self-involved. If Disney ever had an old school phone free day I would pay for it!

Disney Karens are mad lol!

If you don’t like it, don’t go : P

Too many complainers AKA Karen’s here. It’s really no big deal. The bloggers I don’t mind watching as they do keep you informed of what’s happening at Disney and I never had an issue with them blogging while on a ride. People need to relax and enjoy the happiest place on earth.

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