River Brent hit by 'tide of death' pollution that leaves eels gasping for oxygen

2022-09-25 10:55:46 By : Mr. David Chang

The River Brent has been hit by a pollution slick stretching at least two miles, which local residents say has brought a “tide of death” to the local waterway.

Locals in Ealing, north London, noticed blooms of “sewage fungus” and floating brown scum appear in the river over the weekend and say they traced the source back to a Thames Water outfall a few miles upriver.

They fear the pollution, which is suspected to be food waste, has sucked all the oxygen out of the river. Eels were filmed gasping for oxygen from a trickle of clean water from the outfall on Monday morning.

Ben Morris, the founder of local campaign group CleanUptheRiverBrent (CURB), said the river was coated with a “greasy film” on the surface. “Everything looks like latte coffee has been tipped on it,” he said.

On Sunday and Monday, morning he filmed groups of eels clustering around a pipe bringing clear water to the river. “The eels have a very high tolerance for low oxygen rivers,” he added. “They are used to living at the bottom of silty sludgy rivers. If they come up to the top, that means there is serious problem.”

“This is a tide of death going down this much-loved river.”

Thames Water said it was aware of the slick and was investigating, but said the pollution was due to a “third-party discharge” rather than waste from one of its sewage plants.

A Thames Water spokesperson said: “We have received reports of a sewage discharge into the River Brent. Our network engineers are on site and believe this to be a third-party discharge due to a misconnection [of the pipes]. Our team has stopped the discharge and will be investigating further.”

It appears to be the second major pollution spill on the river in the last year, after a pungent “sewage and oil” spill in October 2021 left dead fish washing up on the riverbank.

The Environment Agency has been notified and confirmed to i the source was not sewage.

Food waste, such as yeast slurry, milk or cooking oil, can be just as harmful to rivers and streams as raw sewage. This kind of organic matter uses a huge amount of oxygen to break down, leaving fish and other aquatic life struggling to survive.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, industries have a duty to deal with their waste responsibly, and firms can be prosecuted by the Environment Agency for illegally dumping harmful waste, including food waste. The Environment Agency said it will follow up with ‘enforcement actions’ if it finds environmental regulations have been breached.

Water companies are under increasing pressure to stop pollution from sewage works and other sources entering British waterways after 2020 data revealed that not a single one of England’s rivers is in good ecological condition.

Earlier this year MPs warned that rivers across England are a “mess”, doused in a “chemical cocktail” of sewage, agricultural waste and plastic waste.

Note: This story was updated on 20/09/22 to include the Environment Agency’s response

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