Southeast Texas Genealogy: Nobody Cooks like Grandma

2022-06-25 14:26:18 By : Ms. Ava Ye

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Grandma’s kitchen was the best! Those scrumptious recipes we all loved brought great delight to the taste buds and lightened conversation at the table.

Grandma’s kitchen was the best! Those scrumptious recipes we all loved brought great delight to the taste buds and lightened conversation at the table.

Grandma’s kitchen was the best! Those scrumptious recipes we all loved brought great delight to the taste buds and lightened conversation at the table.

Many of us are fortunate to have a family treasured recipe book or some hand-written recipe cards which have been passed down through the generations from a loved relative or friend. I was given my Grandmother Hawes’ recipes written in her own cursive handwriting. These small scraps of paper are priceless. It is my desire to be able to preserve them and share those fading papers for future generations.  

In an effort to share my treasures, I am creating digital copies of each recipe.  Scanning each recipe card or paper will allow me to save it on my computer, then I will transcribe the writing onto a document.   

Each original recipe is placed into an acid free page protector to prevent further damage. Pencil markings on the cards have faded over the years but are still legible. The page protector is then inserted into an acid free binder for safekeeping.   

There are many gift ideas available that provide a service to personalize items with your family recipe. Preserving and sharing those recipes in Grandma’s handwriting will be a keepsake for many years to come. Simple enough, but so rewarding as we remember the smells and flavors that came from Grandma’s kitchen.  

As we are going through our everyday life, the smell or taste of something unexpected will evoke a memory.. A few years ago, my husband and I stopped at our local convenience store to purchase a soft drink and snack before beginning our Saturday morning ritual of garage sales. I selected an iced chocolate donut for this particular morning , and once I was outside the store, I took a bite. The chocolate taste of the doughnut and icing triggered a memory of my Grandma Hawes’ Wartime Devil's Food Cake. This surprise provoked me to take another bite, but this time, I savored the flavors of the deep chocolate and the smooth icing as I thought of Grandma in the kitchen baking her cake. The taste of those chocolate donuts allowed me to remember some precious times with my Grandmother .    

In today’s world, recipes are searched on Google, printed off, then put in a kitchen drawer or recipe binder. We don’t often take the time to write down the ingredients and directions to our favorite recipes. Instead, we type them out to share with friends and family.   

My challenge to you is: Find some decorative paper or recipe cards. Take the time to write your recipe in your handwriting. Include a picture of the food you created. You might even share a story or two about the origin of the recipe.   

It’s possible you are continuing the family tradition through food, and this recipe will allow others to do the same. And years down the road, when someone takes a bite of a favorite food, they will probably remember you.