The Stunning Transformation Of Kate Bosworth

2022-07-02 13:55:46 By : Mr. Scott Zhai

From a childhood of horseback riding to life as a teen starlet to a career as a darling of the art-house film world, Kate Bosworth has certainly been on quite a journey. The actress was first plucked from obscurity when she was cast in the 1998 film "The Horse Whisperer" alongside Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Scarlett Johansson thanks to her riding skills. She soon landed a pivotal role in the surfer flick "Blue Crush" sending her into the realms of stardom. This was followed by roles in "Wonderland," "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!" and "Superman Returns." As her career continued, Bosworth began appearing in more indie projects, branching out from her teen idol status. She's also impressed critics with her performances in projects like "Still Alice" and "SS-GB."

Bosworth's personal journey has also been pretty dramatic. After being swept up by fame, she eventually settled down in Montana for a more peaceful existence with her husband, director Michael Polish. Since the couple announced their separation in 2021, Bosworth has entered yet another new phase of life — it's clear her transformation is nowhere near finished yet.

As a child growing up on the East Coast, Kate Bosworth never envisaged a career on screen. In fact, she was much too busy with horses. "Connecticut is a place where people are serious about horses," she told The Sydney Morning Herald. "I was obsessed; I remember asking my parents if I could sleep in the stables." By the age of 14, Bosworth was already a junior showjumping champion.

Even though Bosworth was more interested in riding than acting, her skills inadvertently led to her first professional role. The 1998 film "The Horse Whisperer" was looking for a young rider to add to its all-star cast of Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, and Scarlett Johansson. Bosworth only auditioned so that she could spend time riding rather than sitting in school. As fate would have it, she landed the role — and soon enough, she realized that acting was her true passion. "As soon as I was on set, I knew that I loved acting just as much and I have been able to work ever since," she told the Express. "At 14, I didn't really think of it as a career — it was just an amazing opportunity."

As a teen, Kate Bosworth may have been competing in riding competitions and acting alongside A-list actors, but she wasn't a typical child star. In fact, she never felt that comfortable in her skin. "I couldn't wait to grow up and become more experienced and calmer, because I was quite shy," she told Stylist of her teenage years. "I wonder if that goes back to being an only child and moving around — having to meet new people was quite challenging."

Bosworth went on to explain that her shyness made her rise to fame all the more difficult. "If there was anything I could change, I would have reached out to more people who had experience, to better understand the road that came before me," she confessed. "I was just so shy that the thought that anyone would talk to me was ridiculous." Luckily, the young, introverted Bosworth carved out a career all by herself.

After starring in "The Horse Whisperer" and a few other projects, 18-year-old Kate Bosworth landed the lead role in "Blue Crush," a surfer movie that proved to be a pivotal moment in her young career. As the actress explained to InStyle, she almost didn't get the part. Even though the producers were looking for an experienced surfer, Bosworth decided to audition. Apparently, despite spending eight to 10 hours a day practicing, Bosworth said she still "ate s***" at the audition.

The casting director was tempted to choose someone else, but Bosworth's surf instructor could see that she was "more determined" than anyone. As Bosworth explained, she had always been determined as a child. "Remember, I'm also the 4-year-old who said, 'I'll get back on [the horse],'" she said. Even though Bosworth wasn't the best surfer to audition for the movie, she proved she was up for the challenge and landed the part.

While "Blue Crush" launched Kate Bosworth's acting career, leading to roles like Lois Lane in "Superman Returns," it also launched her into superstardom. At just 18, the young actress wasn't quite prepared for what that entailed. "It was so intense and overwhelming," she told InStyle. "It was a really, really hard time, and I did not know how to handle that at all. And I also did not know how to really communicate that very well to support systems or to my friends or family."

Eventually, Bosworth realized she needed help. As she told Net-a-Porter's The Edit (via Daily Mail), she opened up to fellow actress Helena Christensen. "I just said to her, 'God, I am struggling ... I'm feeling quite lost,'" Bosworth replied. When Christensen told her that she had often felt the same way, Bosworth realized that she wasn't alone — and she didn't need to be ashamed of asking for help. Eventually, she sought out therapy and received help from a life-changing guidance counselor. "I don't think I'd be where I am without her," she said.

In "Superman Returns," Kate Bosworth played Clark Kent's love interest, Lois Lane. While she was only 22 years old when she made the film, she was already playing a mother. "I felt a little unprepared for that," she told Elle. "Especially as an only child ... I was like, 'I don't know what it's like to have a brother or sister, let alone a child of my own!'" Even though Bosworth felt that playing a mother was outside of her realm of experience, she found herself playing more and more mothers in the next phase of her career. "I feel like I've been doing that for 10 years now," she said.

It wasn't until Bosworth married Michael Polish and became the stepmother to his 12-year-old daughter, Jasper, that she began to really understand motherhood on a personal level. As she told The List, she finally got to play a mother she could really relate to in "Along For the Ride" in 2022, when she had a role as a stepmother. "Playing Heidi was such a true parallel to my own life," she said. "That was such a big draw for me in that I've been a stepmom for almost 11 years to a beautiful, young — well, she's still young, but she's a young woman now."

In 2011, Kate Bosworth met director Michael Polish on the set of "Big Sur." After filming finished, the pair fell in love, and by 2013, they were married. In addition to gaining a stepdaughter, Bosworth had also found one of the most important figures in her life to date. "I had a sense that he [Polish] would be one of the most important players in my life," Bosworth told the Express. "He innately understood how I worked — he was the type of director I'd been waiting to meet."

Not only did Polish help bring out the best in Bosworth as an actress, but he also helped her grow as a person. As the actress explained to Flaunt, with him, she became more conscious of social inequalities and began to question how her work could make an impact.

When Stylist asked Bosworth about her frequent Instagram posts featuring Polish, she replied, "We share a deep love that is a major part of my life, both as a wife and as an artistic partner. I am proud of him, of us."

Even though Kate Bosworth's career began with a few blockbuster hits, as it progressed, she started to move away from the mainstream into more thoughtful work. After becoming a household name with roles in "Superman Returns," "21," and "Blue Crush," she took on more artistic roles in projects like "And While We Were Here," "Big Sur," "Another Happy Day," and "Little Birds."

After all, as Bosworth told Flaunt, she had always been more interested in making art house films thanks to her literary interests. "Literature informs my artistry almost more than cinema," she said. "It fuels a deep part of me. If I'm not reading, my creativity isn't being stimulated the way it needs to be." It's no wonder art house films became her main focus.

As she told Stylist, "I want to work with people who are good, creative, and authentic ... I've always loved what I do in a very pure way, so to be able to have some control from beginning to end and hopefully inject some of that purity is important."

After meeting and marrying Michael Polish, Kate Bosworth's career took a turn. The pair began working together. After all, their first collaboration on "Big Sur" had been close to perfect. "It was really this sort of connection of director-actress in the most historic way," she told Interview. "There wasn't so much that needed to be said; we let the work start speaking for itself."

As a director-actress duo, the pair made four movies together. They also created a production company and collaborated on numerous production projects. For the first time in her career, Bosworth was able to work on the projects of her choosing. "I had never met anyone who said, 'What do you want to do?' 'Well, I want to do this.' 'Okay, I'll write it. Let's do it,'" she explained to Flaunt. And the collaborations always seemed to work, as the pair was able to produce their best work together. "There's an enormous amount of respect for each other ... it really is a relationship that we adore," Bosworth gushed to Elle.

For Kate Bosworth, starring alongside Julianne Moore in "Still Alice," a film based on Lisa Genova's book, was a hugely meaningful moment in both her acting career and personal life. In the film, Bosworth and Kristen Stewart played Moore's daughters, who looked on as their mother developed early-onset Alzheimer's.

"In this particular case, I had already read Lisa Genova's book before I even knew they were making a film adaptation," Bosworth explained to Tribeca. "I have family members that are affected by Alzheimer's, so it was something that spoke to me on a personal level." Bosworth immediately knew she wanted to be part of the film, so she contacted her agents. As it turned out, they happened to be in the middle of casting. "I knew I could bring Anna to life if they would give me the opportunity," she said.

For Bosworth, it wasn't just a chance to work on a project that meant a lot on a personal level — it was also a chance to work with other brilliant women. "Normally — with being the female — you're kind of the lone wolf on set, so it was really lovely to connect with [Moore and Stewart] in that way."

After spending years in Hollywood, Kate Bosworth relocated to a quiet ranch in Montana with her husband, Michael Polish, and his daughter, Jasper. There, they tried to unplug from the world of social media and enjoy nature. "I never feel lonely; I crave solitude," she told Stylist. "In many ways, it feels like parts of Montana and Alaska are the last very wild places in America. A place where I can ride horses and attain that kind of purity and freedom." As she went on to explain, she had always felt a kind of cosmic bond to Montana. "I remember learning to spell it at a really young age and I thought, 'I really need to remember this because it's going to be important to me,'" she said.

While the move was a big change for Bosworth, it didn't actually change her — instead, it helped her feel more like her old self. "I feel happier now than ever before," she said. "My work life has never been more fast-paced, so to have this and the balance of home and family means everything."

For many women, turning 30 can be a little stressful — however, for Kate Bosworth, it came as a relief. Finally, she felt settled and content with who and where she was.

"I just love moving into my 30s," she gushed to The Sydney Morning Herald. "Just the other day, I was speaking to a friend who was turning 30 and having a meltdown, and I said, 'Stop resisting, because any fears are, quite honestly, made up. The moment you understand that and make that switch, you get connected to yourself.'"

For Bosworth, turning 30 marked a transition and a "shift" in her career, as well as in her life. "I began to feel settled," she explained to Tribeca. "Just looking back at my late teens, early 20s, and even mid-20s, all my friends who aren't even in the industry were trying to figure everything and themselves out." By the time she hit 30, Bosworth said, she finally began to understand that acting doesn't have to be "mysterious." "I had to learn through experience," she said.

While Kate Bosworth may be focused on acting, she has plenty of other projects on the go. According to The Hollywood Reporter, in 2018, she and her husband, Michael Polish, opened an art school in Montana to bring their expertise to a new generation. There, she and Polish taught film courses to students.

"Our school is unorthodox and unique," Bosworth told Flaunt. "I learned from the experience of being on a film set ... it really is the experience of actually doing something where you learn the most."

Because Bosworth learned the importance of professional experience for herself, that's how she likes to teach. "We bring in producers, ADs, people who have really made things," she said, adding, "We feel like we have some magic dust with the program."

As of 2022, the school is still going strong, with summer courses available.

After eight years, Kate Bosworth and her husband Michael Polish announced they were separating. In a poetic, heartfelt post on Instagram, Bosworth explained, "Inherently, we fear an ending. To lose what you have because you got what you wanted." She went on, "Our hearts are full, as we have never been so enamored and deeply grateful for one another as we do in this decision to separate." Clearly, the decision to part ways was mutual, and the marriage ended with respect and even love.

Even though Polish and Bosworth went their separate ways, Bosworth remained a dedicated stepmother to his daughter Jasper. "Her father and I are no longer together, but I will always, always, always be her stepmother," she told The List. "She even said, 'I have two moms and a dad, and I was raised by a whole group of amazing people.' I feel like there [are] so many blended families today."

After parting ways with Michael Polish, it seems that Kate Bosworth is already looking to the future. A few months after announcing her separation, she was spotted with actor Justin Long. Shortly after, Long told Nick Viall that she was "the one" — although he was careful not to reveal their relationship just yet. "I want to [talk about it], but I also want to be protective," he said. "I want to scream it from the rooftops, but I also want to be protective. It's sacred."

Since then, Bosworth and Long have gone public with their relationship. In a June 2022 Instagram post that showed the pair kissing, Bosworth wrote, "You were born today and the world lit up brighter than it had known and years later you met a girl whose life was disassembled / rearranged but you were patient and with time she fell in love now she has a glow (one that was forgotten long ago) she is so grateful." Long replied, "Loving you is easily the best gift I've ever received."

It seems that Bosworth is entering a new era — and this time, Justin Long is by her side.